Finding a measure of quietude through exquisite images and haiku poems
In her third of a series of joy-centered books, poet and artist Mary O’Connor offers a collection of poignant three-line haiku poems, each illustrated with surprising photos and watercolor paintings. Reflective and at times amusing, this latest book illustrates how to uncover unexpected moments of calmness through musings on ordinary, everyday objects.
Full-color photographic as well as painted images, including four pet portraits, serve as meditative stopping points, reasons to pause, and to think of the subject’s lure. Each visual image accompanies a verbal reflection expressed in the ancient Japanese poetic haiku format, as shown in this excerpt:
life gives birth to spring
little trace of winter stress
just stretch marks of light

All proceeds from the sale of Passing Shadows are being donated to the nonprofit Warrior Expeditions ( in support of its therapeutic programs that help veterans transition from their wartime experiences through long-distance outdoor expeditions.
Advance Praise:
“Mary O’Connor combines her artistic eye and her poet’s soul to create quiet moments for the reader. Moments punctuated by observation and insight, surprise and joy. Moments captured in stunning photographs, original watercolors, and whispers of haiku. Moments that lift the veil of passing shadows and invite us to gratefully witness the blessings of the world around us.”
— Jen Payne, author, LOOK UP! Musings on the Nature of Mindfulness
“Mary O’Connor is a collector of calm. She naturally is drawn to it, and it to her. And when we are lucky enough to see them come together and dance—as on these pages—we smile! Our spirits are lifted and our hearts gladdened by her peaceful pirouette with words and images.”
— Phil Douglass, Regional Outreach Manager (ret.), Utah Division of Wildlife Resources; founder,
“Turning the pages of this book is like opening the windows after a hot, muggy day to find that the weather has shifted. Its haikus and accompanying photos and paintings are a mind-clearing breath of fresh air!”
— Karen L. Rancourt, Ph.D., author, It’s All About Relationships; advice columnist, “Ask Dr. Gramma Karen,”